뇌인지 리저브 생활 Brain Cognitive Reserve Lifestyle | 영양/식생활 Nutrition/Eating Lifestyle | 운동/신체활동 Exercise/Physical Activity | 회복적 수면 생활 Restorative Sleep Lifestyle | 중독물질회피/회복 생활 Addictive Substance Avoidance/ Recovery Lifestyle |
스트레스관리/회복탄력 생활 Stress Management/Resilient Lifestyle | 긍정심리/마음챙김 생활 Positive Psychology/ Mindfulness Lifestyle | 긍정적연결/관계 생활 Positive Connection/Relationship Lifestyle | 의미와 목적 생활 Meaning & Purpose Lifestyle | 성장형 사고방식/성숙 생활 Growth Mindset/Maturity Lifestyle |
목표설정 및 수행 생활 Goal Setting & Performance Lifestyle | 감사 생활 Gratitude Lifestyle | 연민/동정 생활 Compassion Lifestyle | 친절 생활 Kindness Lifestyle | 관용/용서 생활 Forgiving Lifestyle |
자비/축복 생활 Generosity/Blessing Lifestyle | 그릿/기개/집념 생활 Grit, Tenacity Lifestyle | 절제/자기조절 생활 Temperance/Self-Control Lifestyle | 탐구 생활 Investigation Lifestyle | 직장/직업/과업 생활 Occupation/Job/Work Lifestyle |
시간 관리 생활 Time Management Lifestyle | 태도 개선 생활 Attitude Improvement Lifestyle | 집중력 개선 생활 Focus Improvement Lifestyle | 에너지 조절 생활 Energy Control Lifestyle | 다양성 생활 Variety Lifestyle |
휴식/이완 생활 Timeout/Relaxation Lifestyle | 여행 생활 Travel/Journey Lifestyle | 신앙 생활 Faith/Religion Lifestyle | 성생활 Sex Lifestyle | 기상 후 아침 1시간 생활 The First Hour Lifestyle after Waking Up |
기상 후 3 단계 생활 The 3 Phases of Lifestyle after Waking Up(Phase 1: 8-9hrs. after; Phase 2: 16hrs. after; Phase 3: 24hrs. after) | (그외, 웰니스 라이프 케어에 도움이 되는 웰니스 생활습관) |